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Free Eco-Poetry Workshop

Julie Chase-Daniel



Wednesday May 18th, 2022

5:30 -7:00 pm


Join Poetry Pollinators for our first FREE Eco-poetry workshop given by Elizabeth Jacobson, former Santa Fe poet laureate and co-founding director of Poetry Pollinators.

This is an all ages event and everyone is welcome!

Join us in celebrating the launch of our first “bee hotel”, designed and built by Santa Fe artist Peter Joseph.

Come learn about native solitary bees, how we can support their populations and at the same time raise awareness of ecological concerns with these nesting hotels. We will read and discuss several Eco-poems and write our own.

We will meet at the site, at the intersection of E. Alameda and Escondido, on the south side of the river. Please bring your writing tools and a portable chair if you have one. We will provide some seating.

Directions: The gathering will take place along the south side of the river, adjacent to the dirt road (Alameda) by the corner of Escondido Street. Map here. Parking is available by the site on the dirt road and also along the paved part of Alameda. There is a foot bridge which can take you across the river.

Register by email by sending your name to:

Founded in 2020 by Julie Chase-Daniel and Elizabeth Jacobson, Poetry Pollinators is dedicated to engaging poetry and art to support local ecosystems through conservation of pollinator species and their habitats. This program is made possible through private donations, including funds managed by the Santa Fe Community Foundation, and grants from the Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry and from New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Download event flyer here.

Questions? Call Julie at (505) 670-5885.



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